Alle Einträge mit dem Schlagwort ‘Minolta XE-1’
Man in nature (4)
Nudes in nature (11)
Lale (7)
M. (3)
Josephine (3)
Taken on a Minolta XE-1 on Kodak Portra 400.
Sarana (3)
Taken with an Minolta XE-1 on Kodak T-Max 400 (expired).
Embrace your scars
Sandworld (7)
Building castles, letting it trickle through your fingers, digging in it – we all loved sand as a child. Two people in the midst of billions of grains of sand: Stephanie and Raphael blended into the sandy landscape, sometimes acting as „disturbers“ – and at the end of the film reel, romping around in the […]